CoachĀ / Group Leader / Care Professionals

About Simplicity Parenting Coaches and Group Leaders
Our Group Leaders and Coaches offer Simplicity Parenting Parent Gatherings to parents in their communities. These gatherings are small groups of like-minded parents coming together to explore one of the following topics:
- Family Life (based on our book, Simplicity Parenting)
- Discipline and Guidance (based on The Soul of Discipline)
- Emotional Self-Regulation for Parents (based on Being At Your best When Your Kids Are At Their Worst).
Family Life Group Leader
State / Country: Fayetteville, Georgia
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +1-678-902-2651
About: I have been married for 21 years and counting with my love and we have 5 boys ranging in ages 19-4. I was born and raised in the state of Georgia (True Georgia Peach). I love all things crafty, sweet tea, the juice and crust in peach cobbler and because of my boys, I have become a lover of ALL sports. As a working mother and wife, life and parenting can be chaotic with no time for self. Parenting can leave us feeling as though we don't know if we are coming or going. As a Simplicity Parenting Coach, I can help you with simple tools to help you find joy and inspiration in parenting without the feeling of chaos.